New York
Celia-D. Klaue | 30. September 2014
The taste of childhood …or how I took my Grandma to NYC
The taste of childhood lives with us throughout the entire life. If you are thinking of your favorite...
Celia-D. Klaue | 26. September 2014
Open letter to Broadway
My first arrival and shelter in New York was on the Mildred Sutherland Corner on Upper Broadway. My...
Celia-D. Klaue | 4. September 2014
Joan Rivers * 1933 – † 2014
„Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God´s gift, that´s why we call it the present.” Joan...
Celia-D. Klaue | 1. September 2014
Helen Levitt – The Eye Of The Street
The 1913 Brooklyn born photographer Helen Levitt (* 1913 – † 2009) would turn 101 years these days. Helen Levitt,...
Celia-D. Klaue | 25. August 2014
Afropunkfestival 2014 NY-Brooklyn
Celia-D. Klaue | 22. August 2014
A Bronx Tale
Yesterday I was following the trail of one of my all time favorite movies: „A Bronx Tale“. The...