All posts tagged "nyc"
Celia-D. Klaue | 15. Oktober 2014
The Sound of the City – Jimi Hendrix´“Crosstown Traffic“
In this song Jimi was addressing a girl, who confused him obviously, but for me it is yet...
Celia-D. Klaue | 25. August 2014
Afropunkfestival 2014 NY-Brooklyn
Celia-D. Klaue | 23. August 2014
Beyoncé´s Surfboard Crew Neck
The end of a beautiful summer is near. Spending it in New York City, there was not even...
Celia-D. Klaue | 22. August 2014
A Bronx Tale
Yesterday I was following the trail of one of my all time favorite movies: „A Bronx Tale“. The...
Celia-D. Klaue | 22. August 2014
Jeff Koons: A Retrospective
New York these days is showing off more Jeff Koons to see than you can actually handle at...